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TracWater Water Quality Monitoring Solutions Showcased at SIWW 2024!

TracWater was invited by Imagine H2O to join their Innovation Exhibition at SIWW 2024 to

showcase our water quality robots and remote monitoring cloud-based solution currently

deployed in the Philippines.

TracWater’s CEO Len McKelvey was honoured to be one of the speakers as part of the

SIWW TechXchange program and discuss how TracWater solutions empower water


The conference was a huge success, allowing us to interact and share our knowledge,

experiences, and cutting-edge technology with key players in the water industry.

Here are some of our highlights from our time at SIWW 2024.

TracWater showcased on a global platform

A small team of TracWater representatives were hosted by Imagine H2O at the

Innovation Exhibition to attend Singapore International Water Week (SIWW)

10th Edition from the 18th - 22nd June 2024 to showcase our remote water quality

monitoring solutions. SIWW is one of the largest and most prestigious conference

and trade shows in the water sector in S.E. Asia and we relished the opportunity to

introduce ourselves and our innovative cloud-based solutions on a global scale.

The exhibition was a great success for TracWater, providing a unique opportunity to

generate personal connections and to explore new opportunities for collaboration

with key individuals within the water sector from all over the world.

Our patented TracWater In-Ground (TWIG) and our military grade Portable Water

Quality Robots were a real showstopper, impressing our exhibit visitors with their

high level of capabilities and compact and robust designs. However, the real-game

changer was our TracWater IaaS user friendly cloud platform unlocking access to

real-time 24/7/365 water quality data across entire water networks.

TechXchange Program: Insight from our CEO